08. Juli 2024

IB-Diploma Ergebnisse des 9. Jahrgangs

Am 6. Juli veröffentlichte das IB (International Bachalaureate) die Ergebnisse aller IB-Diploma Schüler:innen weltweit. Wir möchten der 9. Generation Schüler:innen am UWC Robert Bosch College herzlich zu den Ergebnissen gratulieren, die laut Rektor Laurence Nodder „hervorragend“ sind ein Zitat aus seiner Nachricht an unsere Absolvent:innen:

„Since its beginning in 2014, RBC (which is both the community of students and staff, and the ‘institution’) has shown that it believes in and practices high academic standards, whilst being concerned first and foremost with human attitudes. Collectively, the 9th Generation has demonstrated its high academic standards as measured by the DP results, without even having to acknowledge the different linguistic and schooling backgrounds. I contrast the (provisional) collective results (which might well increase) with those of 2019, the year before the Covid-19 pandemic, also showing the DP world statistics for 2019. During the pandemic, the IB allowed for a measure of grade inflation so as not to disadvantage students whose access to schooling had been disrupted; the IB has stated that it wishes to return to pre-pandemic averages and my hunch is that this will prove to be the case with the grades from the May 2024 examinations. Currently, the average score of RBC students is four points above what I expect to be the world average, which is outstanding!

IB points
RBC 2024
RBC 2024
RBC 2019
world 2019
0-23 points 5 4,90% 4,1% 18,14%
24-29 points 9 8,82% 13,6% 30,42%
30-34 points 37 36,27% 34,4% 26,11%
35-39 points 36 35,29% 25,0% 17,73%
40-45 points 15 14,71% 22,9% 7,61%

Please know that I am proud of the individuals together making up the 9th Generation, and what we have accomplished. We have walked this journey together. We have learned to live in a highly diverse community. Whilst none of us had a perfect UWC experience, we have grown in knowledge, understanding, empathy and compassion. We have built common ground amongst people from very different backgrounds, which is something increasingly rare and precious. I hope that we have grown in intrinsic motivation to live more peaceably and sustainability, and to work individually and collectively towards these.“


24. September 2024
Update von unserer Rektorin

Rektorenbriefe Im Folgenden finden Sie den jeweils aktuellen Brief (im Englischen) unserer Rektorin an die Elternschaft und die Betreuer:innen unserer Schüler:innen sowie die Nationalkomittees. Vergangene Briefe finden Sie am Ende des Berichts. 24th September 2024 Dear Parents and Guardians, copied …

03. September 2024
10 Jahre RBC in Freiburg | Tag der offenen Tür am 28. September

Das UWC Robert Bosch College (RBC) in Freiburg feiert am 28. September 2024 das 10-jährige Bestehen und blickt zurück auf zehn Jahre Bildung für Frieden und Nachhaltigkeit. Seit 2014 leben und lernen junge Menschen aus aller Welt zusammen in der …



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